Undergraduate Philosophy Club Starts Another Semester


Close up of an opened book

Undergraduate Philosophy Club Starts Another Semester

Blog post by Hailee Nance

Looking for a cozy club to have important discussions? On Tuesdays Jacqueline Schisler, a philosophy, neuroscience, and religious studies major, along with other members of the Undergraduate Philosophy Club come together (with snacks!) to participate in philosophical conversation.

Philosophy Summer Camp for high school students returns for a second year

Last year, the School of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies hosted high school-age students for a week-long philosophy summer camp. The camp was a collaborative effort between graduate students in the philosophy program and philosophy faculty to get young students interested in philosophy and to understand what it entails. 

Student Spotlight: Yunn Ueng, Philosophy PhD Candidate

Yunn Ueng is a PhD candidate in the philosophy program at SHPRS. Her research interests include social and political philosophy, feminist philosophy and applied ethics. 

These interests are reflected in her dissertation, which focuses on the topic of microaggressions. Specifically, Ueng’s research addresses what a microaggression is, why committing one is morally problematic and how victims should respond to a microaggression. 

A Day in the Life: Angela Barnes, Philosophy PhD Student

Blog post by Angela Barnes

7AM: I wake up and make coffee on muscle memory, I let the dog out and sit outside with him for a while, taking in the new day. Once I’m fully conscious, I head inside to make breakfast – eggs and spinach, salsa if I have it.