History in the Wild podcast: From Whose View


History in the Wild podcast: From Whose View

Podcast and blog post by: Kylee Mamon

Creating a podcast was something I had dabbled in prior to taking HST 485: History in the Wild course at ASU. My knowledge was limited, and I did feel intimidated in taking this course.

A Day in the Life: Marc Vance, History PhD student

Blog post by Marc Vance

Most mornings begin at 5:45 AM with two of my three dogs letting me know that it is time to get going. The third, Maisy, is a bit older and enjoys her sleep. The other two, Sam and Bailey, go on their quick morning walk to smell the same rocks and bushes they smelled the day before.

History in the Wild podcast: Fort Vancouver: Furs to Flight

Blog post and podcast by Carolina Trestain

My name is Lina Trestain, and I’ve just wrapped up my last term of my undergrad in History. I decided to take Dr. Rhodes’ History in the Wild because I have never made a podcast, but I like the idea of using them to share information.

History in the Wild podcast: Witchcraft

Blog post and podcast by Devon Hartwig.

The inspiration for “Witchcraft” came as a combination of my love for all things fantasy as well as an interest in the Early Modern period. The history surrounding witchcraft in the world is a unique blend of fear of the unknown, mysticism, and more recently it has become a symbol of female empowerment.

Fear: The Human Experience that Binds Us

Blog post by Pamela Zupo

Whether it is called the plague, the Black Death, or the Coronavirus, widespread disease has a way of generating fear and outright terror among those living within its invisible presence.  Epidemics, such as the pestilence that afflicted the Iberian Peninsula of Spain during the late sixteenth century still resonate with historical truths that can be felt five hundred years later.

A medieval castle on a hill surrounded by trees.

Pharmacy in the Middle Ages

Blog post by Keisha Gordon

The past can indicate future events. Pandemics such as the COVID-19 may be new to us but they are not new to the historical record. The 1918 Flu, or the Black Death of the Middle Ages, are familiar to some.

Uncertainty and Fear as a Universal Conditions

The Great Castilian Plague of 1596-1601 and the Covid-19 Pandemic of today

By Sarah Peterson

Not much has changed in human history between the Castilian Plague of 1596-1601 and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-now. Sure, we understand science and data more than our ancestors, but common themes abound between our shared experience today and the lives of those caught-up in the late sixteenth-century Castilian pestilence.

Tasting History: Analysis of a 16th Century Spanish Recipe

Blog post by Ellie Cormack 

In the midst of the incessant COVID-19 pandemic, I offer you a brief diversion to a wildly popular phenomenon on the internet today: food blogs! But this is no ordinary food blog about gourmet mac and cheese or my best chocolate chip cookie recipe.

The Acorn: Food to Some, Inedible to Others

Blog post by Jason Inskeep

As a person who claims to love exploring cultures, traveling, and trying different foods, I failed. I recently realized that as a Native Arizonan I had only tried one food from my home state’s Indigenous culinary tradition—Fry Bread.