History in the Wild podcast: History through Art

Blog post and podcast by Minjeong Kwon

Hello everyone, my name is Minjeong Kwon and this is my podcast, History through Art. I was never really a frequent podcast listener prior to this project, so when I initially read the course details that we would be creating one, I was very nervous but also intrigued at the same time. After listening through various types of podcasts, I soon enough realized which elements I wanted to have in mine. Luckily, I settled on my topics fairly quickly and the whole process has been a challenging and rewarding experience for me.

I like to think of history as a type of storytelling. Through this podcast, I wanted to share that artworks were excellent sources that can help you visualize and understand historical events in ways that texts can sometimes lack at. Artworks can capture the sentiments of specific eras, whether it was created at the moment of the event (episode 2: Portrait of Louis XIV) or 75 years after the event (episode 1: Washington Crossing the Delaware). Different renditions of the same event can also offer additional insights as to how the event may have been perceived by different groups at different times.

To deliver the content to the fullest, I’ve found that I had to have a method to direct the audience to the artwork. The result was a hypothetical blog in which I would have my transcripts with corresponding artwork. All in all, although it may not be the most convenient podcast to access, I’m pleased with the finished product and feel that I managed to exceed my own expectations with this project.


History Through Art

Episode 1: This episode looks at Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze. Photos below.


History Through Art

Episode 2: This episode looks at a portrait of a French monarch, Louis XIV. Photo below.

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